Pupil Voice
Pupil's voice is an integral part of school life. There are different groups within school that support children in having a voice. There is also 'The Hub' situated in the school hall where children can find out about life in school and have their say through the suggestion board.
School Council
Our School Council consists of Year 6 pupils. They work in pairs as class delegates for each year group, holding regular meetings to keep the classes informed about what is happening in school, find out their opinions, and take votes on issues affecting the whole school. In this way, we aim to give every child in school a voice.
School Council members also take control of other important duties around school, such as organising fund raising for their chosen charity, planning and delivering weekly Collective Worship and feeding pupils' ideas back to Mrs Lowry.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
There are Anti-Bullying ambassadors across all classes within school. Their role is to encourage children to understand bullying behaviours and to be upstanders. The group meet with Mrs Lowry to raise awareness and lead initiatives across school. The children developed a child friendly Anti-Bullying policy to support understanding.